What is the fastest way to determine where temporary files are created in my C ++ code?
The answer is not always easily derived from the standard, and optimizing the compiler can further eliminate time constraints.
I experimented with godbolt.org and its fantasy. Unfortunately, he often hides trees behind an assembler tree when it comes to temporary ones. In addition, aggressive compiler optimization options make assembler completely unreadable.
Any other means to achieve this?
"optimizing the compiler can further eliminate temporary files."
, ++. ++ . .
. , . , , POD () . . , ctors .
, , . ( std::cout), . , . , .
- "-", , , , .
, ( ), , , , [class.temporary]/2
, . [. :prvalue ([dcl.init.ref], [expr.type.conv], [expr.dynamic.cast], [expr.static.cast], [expr.const.cast], [expr.cast]),prvalue ([expr.ref], [expr.mptr.oper]),prvalue ,std:: initializer_list braced-init-list ([dcl.init.list]),([expr.typeid], [expr.sizeof])prvalue .
, . [. :
prvalue ([dcl.init.ref], [expr.type.conv], [expr.dynamic.cast], [expr.static.cast], [expr.const.cast], [expr.cast]),
prvalue ([expr.ref], [expr.mptr.oper]),
prvalue ,
std:: initializer_list braced-init-list ([dcl.init.list]),
([expr.typeid], [expr.sizeof])
prvalue .
, ++ 17, prvalue [basic.lval]/1:
Prvalue - , - , , .
(pre ++ 20) [basic.lval] [expr], , , .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692608/More articles:Computing a graph in a dendrite using openCV (python) - pythonCan you take the "step" time in gdb? - cRuboCop complains when using "Hash.new" - ruby โโ| fooobar.comFormatting Python formatting with leading zeros and optional decimal places - pythonRun mvn exec: exec without pom.xml - mavenHow to erase elements from a vector specified by an iterator list? - c ++C ++: remove an element from a dynamic array of struct and change other elements - c ++https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/1692611/can-we-create-an-azure-service-bus-to-debug-workflow-remote-event-receivers-inside-azure-vm&usg=ALkJrhgbgIjnzyHFItgVgQLFOCfju60R3wControl index.xml for Atom / RSS (hugo / blogdown generates a feed with relative links) - xmlremoving a huge matrix after passing its local copy of the function to Matlab - functionAll Articles