When I try to create a Jest snapshot of my React 'LoadingModal' component that contains the Semantic-UI-React 'Modal' component, the snapshot ends empty, with 'null' inside the .snap file. I tested snapshots of other Semantic-UI-React components, such as 'Button', "Dropdown" and "Sidebar", rendering and snapshot with the correct html output.
This doesn't seem to be a problem with the Jest photo itself, but rather a response-test-renderer with its .create () and .toJson () returning zero.
Why does the rendering agent-handler correctly display some components of the Semantic-UI-React, but not the same as the "Modal"? response-test-render is apparently the standard method for serializing React components for a snapshot and is the method used in destruction demos .
I use response@16.2.0 , jest@22.1.4 , react-test-renderer@16.2.0 and semantic-ui-react@0.77.1
It seems that for some reason, the Semantic-UI-React Modal component, in particular, is set to render null when it is not displayed inside the browser.
See my issue in the github repository for more info .
import React from 'react'
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'
import LoadingModal from './LoadingModal'
test('should render correctly', () => {
const tree = renderer.create(
exports[`should render correctly 1`] = `null`;
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { Modal, Dimmer, Loader} from 'semantic-ui-react'
class LoadingModal extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
header: PropTypes.func,
content: PropTypes.func,
loading: PropTypes.bool,
onClose: PropTypes.func,
size: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string
static defaultProps = {
size: 'tiny',
height: '500px'
_render_content = (content) => {
if (this.props.loading === true) {
return <Dimmer active inverted><Loader active size='large' inline='centered'/></Dimmer>
} else {
return content && content()
render () {
const {
} = this.props;
return (
<Modal size={size} dimmer='blurring' open={true} onClose={onClose}>
{header && header()}
<div style={{height: height}}>
export default LoadingModal