The class requires the preservation of private property in which the value will be stored.
Since class fields are currently not supported by the suggestion of decorators and a newer transform-decorators
Babel plugin, an older transform-decorators-legacy
Babel plugin should be used instead.
, get/set accessors , initializer
. initializer
, :
function accessor(classPrototype, prop, descriptor) {
if (descriptor.initializer)
classPrototype['_' + prop] = descriptor.initializer();
delete descriptor.writable;
delete descriptor.initializer;
descriptor.get = function () { return this['_' + prop] };
descriptor.set = function (val) { this['_' + prop] = val };
class Foo {
@accessor bar = 0;
const foo = new Foo ; = 1;
, , (0
) set
, (1
) set
spec-compliant, , . TypeScript .
spec- ES6- :
class Foo {
get bar() { return this._bar };
set bar(val) { this._bar = val };
Foo.prototype._bar = 0;