Why do we need an extra layer of indirection when calling functions?


So, I watched several tutorial videos on how the compiler and linker (in VS 2017 VC ++ compiler / linker) work by looking at the assembly files to put everything together. When I compile and link these two cpp files together:

main.cpp (note: I removed the implicit link to the c library and defined my own mainCRTStartup function to make it easier to view the .exe result file.)

int Func1(int x);

int mainCRTStartup(void)

    return 0;


int Func1(int x)
    x +=2;

    return x;

I get the main.exe file, which looks something like this:


  0000000140001000: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001001: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001002: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001003: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001004: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001005: E9 36 00 00 00     jmp         ?Func1@@YAHH@Z
  000000014000100A: E9 11 00 00 00     jmp         ?mainCRTStartup@@YAHXZ
  000000014000100F: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001010: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001011: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001012: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001013: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001014: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001015: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001016: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001017: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001018: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001019: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101A: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101B: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101C: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101D: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101E: CC                 int         3
  000000014000101F: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001020: 48 83 EC 28        sub         rsp,28h
  0000000140001024: B9 03 00 00 00     mov         ecx,3
  0000000140001029: E8 D7 FF FF FF     call        @ILT+0(?Func1@@YAHH@Z)
  000000014000102E: 33 C0              xor         eax,eax
  0000000140001030: 48 83 C4 28        add         rsp,28h
  0000000140001034: C3                 ret
  0000000140001035: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001036: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001037: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001038: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001039: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103A: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103B: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103C: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103D: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103E: CC                 int         3
  000000014000103F: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001040: 89 4C 24 08        mov         dword ptr [rsp+8],ecx
  0000000140001044: 8B 44 24 08        mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+8]
  0000000140001048: 83 C0 02           add         eax,2
  000000014000104B: 89 44 24 08        mov         dword ptr [rsp+8],eax
  000000014000104F: 8B 44 24 08        mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+8]
  0000000140001053: C3                 ret
  0000000140001054: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001055: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001056: CC                 int         3
  0000000140001057: CC                 int         3


I have two problems that I'm afraid of:

1.) , .exe , "", , 000040001000, asm @ILT+0(?Func1@@YAHH@Z) , . , , .exe? , , exe , , , 000040001000.

2.) , "" Func1 VS, , . , exe ( ) ( @ILT+0(?Func1@@YAHH@Z) asm ) THEN jmp, Func1. "", "jmp"?


Visual Studio "" , " ". "release", , /, .

, , , . , () .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692463/

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