I saw np.int0used to convert bounding box floating point values to int in OpenCV tasks. What is np.int0? I saw np.uint8, np.int32etc. I can not find np.int0in any online documentation. What type of int does these arguments use?
int0is an alias forintp ; this in turn amounts to
The integer used for indexing (same as C ssize_t, usually either int32or int64)
- Numpy docs: basic types
Here is some more info:
# get complete list of datatype names >>> np.sctypeDict.keys() # returns the default integer type (here `int64`) >>> np.sctypeDict['int0'] <class 'numpy.int64'> # verify >>> arr = np.int0([1, 2, 3]) >>> arr.nbytes 24
This is a simple alias int64, try this from Python 2 or Python 3:
>>> import numpy >>> numpy.int0 is numpy.int64 True
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