How to set unique template reference variables inside * ngFor? (Angular)

I have a set of input fields in an ngFor loop. The documentation says that reference template variables must be unique. Is there a way to make something like #attendee-{{}}to make it unique?

   <div *ngFor="let person of attendeesList">
       <input #attendee [ngModel]="" (blur)="changeName(attendee.value)"/>

(I know that there is an opportunity to do it (ngModelChange)="changeName($event)", but there are reasons why I need to use blur. In particular, I do not want the model to change until a person types a name, and we confirmed that the name is not empty, not a duplicate name.

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3 answers

Your reference template variable is already unique because you use it inside the built-in viewport:

<div *ngFor="let person of attendeesList">
  <input #attendee [ngModel]="" (blur)=" = attendee.value"/>

Working example

, :

<div *ngFor="let person of attendeesList">
  <input [ngModel]="" (blur)=" = $"/>

, ( ). ViewChildren.

@ViewChildren('attendee') attendeeInputs: QueryList<ElementRef>;

attendeeInputs QueryList .


, , , ReactiveFormsModule . , FormControls.

// Initialize your Form
initForm(): void {
    this.Form ={
        arrayOfInputs: this._FormBuilder.array(initArray())

// Initialize the Array of Inputs 
initArray(): FormGroup[] {
    return [
        {{ inputValue: [''] }),
        {{ inputValue: [''] }),
        {{ inputValue: [''] })

<ng-container formArrayName="formArray">
    <div [formGroupName]="i" *ngFor="let Inputs of Form.get('arrayOfInputs').controls; let i=index">
        <input formControlName="inputValue" type="text">

- , , , , . , FormArray , -. .



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