Why matching patterns to zero result in syntax errors?

I like to use pattern-matchingin nullable intt nullable int int?.:

int t  = 42;
object tobj = t;    
if (tobj is int? i)
    System.Console.WriteLine($"It is a nullable int of value {i}");

However, this leads to the following syntax errors:

"i)" is marked with a red wavy line.

The expression compiles when using the old statement is:

int t = 42;
object tobj = t;    
if (tobj is int?)
    System.Console.WriteLine($"It is a nullable int");

string t = "fourty two";
object tobj = t;
if (tobj is string s)
    System.Console.WriteLine($@"It is a string of value ""{s}"".");

Also works as expected.

(I use and tested both and )

I thought this was due to operator priority. So I tried using brackets in several places, but that didn't help.



: x is T y, case T y .., , x null. , null , " null ?" .

t is int? i t is int? i t is Nullable<int> i : t int, t int t is int i , null, .

, t is int? i t is int? i or t is Nullable<int> i , , .

, t is int? i t is int? i - , , , t is int? "it an int": "no int here" t is int? "it an int": "no int here" , - ? .

, , (, , ) : . , .



int t = 42;
object tobj = t;
if (tobj is Nullable<int> i)
    Console.WriteLine($"It is a nullable int of value {i}");


  • CS8116: "int?" ? ; 'int' ( CS8116 )

( @Blue0500 github) Roslyn β„– 20156. Roslyn # 20156, Julien Couvreur Microsoft , , .
Neal Gafter Microsoft, Roslyn,

tobj is int? i, , tobj is int? i tobj is Nullable<int> i.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692421/

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