I am currently using the save()
( doc ) function to save a child element to a parent element. But the case when the child is already attached to the parent object is not processed.
So, I created this:
$parent = Task::find( request('parent') );
$child = Task::find( request('child') );
if ( \DB::table('task_has_predecessors')
->where('child_id', request('child'))
->where('parent_id' , request('parent'))
->count() == 0 )
if ( $parent->childs()->save($child) )
flash('Link saved.');
flash()->error('Unable to create the link.');
flash()->warning('This link already exist.');
But I'm not a big fan of this solution ... Is there a better way to achieve this without using if ( \DB::table('...')->where(...)->where(...)->count() == 0 )
Does laravel have a magical way to control this behavior?
I do not have a model related to the table tasks_has_predecessors
. And my relationship is made like this:
class Task extends Model
public function childs()
return $this->belongsToMany(ChecklistCategoryTask::class, 'task_has_predecessors', 'parent_id','child_id');
public function parents()
return $this->belongsToMany(ChecklistCategoryTask::class, 'task_has_predecessors' , 'child_id' , 'parent_id');