so I tried to find the answer, but for this error message I find the appropriate answers to my problem.
There he is. Why is this code:
Case 1)
public class A {
private final String A;
private final String B;
private final String C = A + B;
public A(String A, String B) {
this.A = A;
this.B = B;
for the string, private final String C = A + B;
he talks about these errors:
java: variable A might not have been initialized
java: variable B might not have been initialized
But it works like a charm:
Case 2)
public class K {
private final String K;
private final String L;
private final String M = kPlusL();
public K(final String K, final String L) {
this.K = K;
this.L = L;
private String kPlusL() {
return K + L;
Or it works like a charm:
Case 3)
public class O {
protected final String O;
protected final String P;
public O(final String O, final String P) {
this.O = O;
this.P = P;
public class Q extends O {
private final String Q = O + P;
Q (final String O, final String P) {
super(O, P);
Can someone explain to me why, please? I am using IntelliJ IDEA and Java 1.8.0_151.
All three cases do the same (puts two lines together), but each does it directly, and the second and third are "indirect".