I have an Event class that stores a weak_ptr (observer) tuple set for a function that fires when the event is fired.
Type of function: void (int &) in the example. That is, I want the event to pass a reference to the value, so that the observer changes this value and confirms that the value has been changed back in the observed object. The implementation of the event is a variational method, which can complicate the problem (at least the code).
This does not work at the moment. Somewhere along the line, the link is converted to a link without a link or copied, but I do not see where.
Full repo below. Note assert (value! = 10) fails, although I set the value to 1 in the event handler.
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
template<class FunctionPrototype>
class Event
template<typename... Args>
void operator()(Args... args)
for (auto const & listener : Listeners)
if (auto locked = std::get<0>(listener).lock())
template<typename P, typename Q, typename R, typename... Args>
void Attach(P(Q::*f)(Args...), std::shared_ptr<R> const & p)
auto w = std::weak_ptr<R>(p);
auto l = [w, f](Args... args) {
if (auto locked = w.lock())
return (*locked.get().*f)(args...);
return P();
Listeners.push_back(std::make_tuple(std::weak_ptr<void>(w), l));
typedef std::tuple<std::weak_ptr<void>, std::function<FunctionPrototype>> event_tuple;
std::vector<event_tuple> Listeners;
class Observed : public std::enable_shared_from_this < Observed >
int value;
void Fire()
value = 10;
assert(value != 10);
Event<void(int &)> TheEvent;
class Observer : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Observer>
void Attach(std::shared_ptr<Observed> const & observed)
observed->TheEvent.Attach(&Observer::OnEvent, shared_from_this());
void OnEvent(int & value)
assert(value == 10);
value = 1;
int main(void)
auto observed = std::make_shared<Observed>();
auto observer1 = std::make_shared<Observer>();
return 0;