This is not a problem, but something that I accidentally met. However, this is really intriguing for me.
I ran the following line in the console
sc_matrix <- data.frame(sc_start<-rpois(n=15, 0.4), sc_end<-rpois(n=15, 0.3))
and I was very surprised that the exit was
head(sc_matrix, n=5)
Firstly, I was surprised because the interpreter understood me (even without warning). data.frame
was created, although I used the assignment <-
inside the constructor data.frame
Secondly, it is created colnames
in accordance with a rule that changes all non-alpha-numeric to .
(period) and used as a name.
After reading the discussion of assignment mappings , I think my question is:
R ? =
, , . sc_start<-rpois(n=15, 0.4)
, .
, <-
, , data.frame