Apache Structured Streaming: how to write a stream dataset in Hive?

Using Apache Spark 2.2: Structured Streaming, I create a program that reads data from Kafka and writes it to Hive. I am looking for writing voluminous data included in the Kafka topic @ 100 records / sec.

Hive table created:

CREATE TABLE demo_user( timeaa BIGINT, numberbb INT, decimalcc DOUBLE, stringdd STRING, booleanee BOOLEAN ) STORED AS ORC ;

Paste with a request for a manual bush:

INSERT INTO TABLE demo_user (1514133139123, 14, 26.4, 'pravin', true);

Paste through spark structured stream code:

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
conf.set("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://localhost:9083");
SparkSession session = 

// workaround START: code to insert static data into hive
String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO TABLE demo_user (1514133139123, 14, 26.4, 'pravin', true)";
// workaround END:

// Solution START
Dataset<Row> dataset = readFromKafka(sparkSession); // private method reading data from Kafka 'xyz' topic

// **My question here:**
// some code which writes dataset into hive table demo_user
// Solution END
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2 answers

you do not need to create a hive table when using the following, it is automatically created

dataset.write.jdbc (String url, String table, java.util.Properties connectionProperties)

or use

dataset.write.saveAsTable (String tableName)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692202/

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