What is the difference between class a () and class a = class () in C ++?

Coming from the world of Java and C #, I always like to use

someclass a = someclass();


someclass a();

to initialize a class variable in C ++. However, my compiler sometimes complains

Error C2280: Attempting to reference a deleted function

Is there any difference between the two? Which one is better?

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2 answers

Is there any difference between the two?

Big: someclass a();announces a function!

And someclass a = someclass();, before C ++ 17 copy ellision , the class needs to be movable, which is probably not the way you get the error message here Attempting to reference a deleted function.

Which one is better?

Missing. Use instead

someclass a;


someclass a{}; // C++11

Both will call the default constructor .




classname _;

using namespace std;

class demo
      void print()
           cout<<"Demo class";
int main()

      demo d;
      return 0;



using namespace std;
class demo
      void print()
           cout<<"Demo class using pointer object";

int main()

      demo *d = new demo();
      return 0;

- -

java . , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692181/

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