How to solve the problem of Windows 10 Scheduler

I have several tasks in Windows 10 that have recently failed. I have not made any recent changes to the server. The tasks worked perfectly for many years, and then started crashing in December 2017. I have Scheduler tasks configured to run in System Startup.
When I check the History tab, I see:

Launching the task Error upon failure: Additional data: Error value: 2147943712.

The Task / General tab is configured as follows:

  • Run if user is logged in or not
  • Do not store password.
  • Run with highest privileges
  • Setup for Windows 10

The user account is "Administrator". This user has no password and is an administrator.

When I try to execute a task from the "Selected item / execute" parameter, the scheduler logs the same error. Based on other posts, I tried to edit the user account, re-enter the administrator and click the "Check Names" button. It shows SERVERNAME \ Admin and does not ask for a password.

How to configure the task manager so that it does not cause this error?

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2 answers

The returned error code (0x80070520 in hexadecimal) is "The specified login session does not exist. It may already be completed."

, .


, . .

, 0x0

Value Name: disabledomaincreds 
Value Type: REG_DWORD 
Values: 0 (allow domain credentials to be stored)


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