In ASP.NET MVC, we can map URLs to controllers, actions, and parameters. For example, the following MapRoute is used by default in an ASP.NET MVC application.
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
This means that if we have url / value1 / value2 / value3, ASP.NET MVC will trigger the Value2 action of the Value1 controller, and Value3 will be used for the id variable. I want to create something similar with Razor Pages.
My scenario is too complicated, so I will try to explain it with a simple example. For example, I will have a page called "/Pages/Article.cshtml" with the following definition at the top of the page
@page "{articlefriendlyname}"
This means that I can call up the article page using the following format
In C # code, I will have the following OnGet method:
public void OnGet(string articlefriendlyname)
I can now have the following URLs working in my web application
, URL- , URL-:
, URL:
/{articlefriendlyname} ==> /Article/{articlefriendlyname}
index.cshtml , Articles URL-, - - , .
, , , .