Getting large thumbnails from Instagram no longer works with “swap”

For a long time I use this “replace function” to get thumbnails using the Instagram API, it worked fine, but now they have changed something, and I will no longer use large thumbnails this way.

src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's320x320/', $post->images->thumbnail->url) ?>">

The default thumbnail, it works well.

But replacing the thumbnail size with a larger one, the message msg: Invalid URL will appear.

Anyone can help get a larger Instagram image. They changed the API, and I'm so tired of Facebook, they made a lot of changes since synchronizing with FB, and every time like this, developers should update without instructions.

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3 answers

You can try with this trick

src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's320x320/', str_replace('vp/', '', $post->images->thumbnail->url)) ?>">


src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's640x640/', str_replace('vp/', '', $post->images->thumbnail->url)) ?>">

You need to replace (delete) also "vp /" with url and work again. This is a really bad decision, but it is the only thing I have found.


! , , .

, instagram ( "standard_resolution" ) "" css ...




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