Very high load balancing for minimal Kubernetes Engine setup on Google Cloud Platform

I am trying to determine the lowest possible Kubernetes Engine configuration for a simple public load balanced IP web application.

I have my setup as follows:

  • 1 cluster of Kubernete
  • 3 f1-micro nodes (at the time 3 was the minimum necessary for kubernetes, now it can be less?)
  • 1 load balancer with a rule for forwarding to an external IP address

My monthly billing cost: CA $ 48.10 : half fromCompute Engine Network Load Balancing: Forwarding Rule Minimum Service Charge in Americas: 744 Hours CA$23.82

Is there any way to reduce this cost? Or is it really the cost of a minimal Kubernetes cluster serving an application with a public domain name?

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3 answers

In theory, you do not need a load balancer. If you work with nodes, you can connect to this port on ip of any vm in your cluster. And the kubernets will still load the balance inside the right container. However, when using this approach, it can be difficult for you to manage your DNS and firewall settings. Since I do not believe that it can be given a static ip for the nodes of the kubernetes.


You can provide you a service using other methods, if you do not need a lot of traffic, maybe you do not need a load balancer, there is one guide here

NodePort, IP- , IP DNS IP-.


This seems like a better AppEngine match than Kubernetes.



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