I have an application that needs parameters based on some fields. If a specific field is not found, the application should receive a less specific parameter value:
|PAR | ColA | ColB | ColC | value |
|Par1| * | * | * | (this is the default value) 99 |
|Par1| ValA1 | * | * | (in case no valid ColB+ColC) 100 |
|Par1| ValA1 | ValB1 | * | (in case no valid ColC) 200 |
|Par1| ValA1 | ValB1 | ValC1| (in case everything is specified) 333|
So, the user asks:
ValA1, ValB1, ValC1 for "Par1" → will receive "333"
when the user asks:
ValA1, ValB1, ValX for "Par1" → will receive "200".
I can easily do this using a query set or UNION (first it searches for all cols than search ColC = '' and then ColB = '' and ColC = '*' etc.), but is there a better way?
select value from mytab where PAR='Par1' and ColA='ValA1' and ColB='ValB1' and ColC='ValC1'
select value from mytab where PAR='Par1' and ColA='ValA1' and ColB='ValB1' and ColC='*'
select value from mytab where PAR='Par1' and ColA='ValA1' and ColB='*' and ColC='*'
select value from mytab where PAR='Par1' and ColA='*' and ColB='*' and ColC='*'
then get the "value" with the most columns! = '*'
I am using Postgresql, but I am open to using another db if that helps.
EDIT: ( ). "PAR" ( ) , ...