How to filter NUnit tests by category using "dotnet test"

I have a project that has

[TestFixture, Category("Oracle")]


[TestFixture, Category("OracleOdbc")]

with a couple of tests that I would like to run separately with dotnet test.

Here is what I tried after doing some googling:

  1. dotnet test MyProject.csproj --where "cat==Oracle" but this switch no longer exists.
  2. dotnet test MyProject.csproj --filter Category="Oracle"0 gives the applicable tests: No test is available in....

Then I stumbled upon this article and, although it describes MSTest (and NUnit has TestCategoryAttribute CategoryAttributeand not TestCategoryAttribute), I tried

  1. dotnet test MyProject.csproj --filter TestCategory="Oracle"

. "Oracle" . . dotnet test MyProject.csproj --filter TestCategory="OracleOdbc", dotnet test MyProject.csproj --filter TestCategory="OracleOdbc" , "Oracle" "OracleOdbc". , TestCategroy NUnit .

.NET Command Line Tools (2.1.2) :

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.8.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.9.0" />
<PackageReference Include="TeamCity.VSTest.TestAdapter" Version="1.0.7" />

, , , - netcoreapp2.0 net462.


, , , . , dotnet-cli.

NUnit3 . , , .

dotnet new -i NUnit3.DotNetNew.Template

, .

dotnet new sln -n Solution
dotnet new nunit -n TestProject -o tests\TestProject
dotnet sln add tests\TestProject\TestProject.csproj

UnitTest1.cs, : Oracle OracleOdbc OracleOdbc.

using NUnit.Framework;

namespace Tests
    public class OracleTests
        public void OracleTest()

    public class OracleOdbcTests
        public void OracleOdbcTest()

, .

dotnet test tests/TestProject/TestProject.csproj --filter TestCategory="Oracle"

dotnet test tests/TestProject/TestProject.csproj --filter TestCategory="OracleOdbc"

, , , .

DotNet-Cli 2.1.4 NUnit3TestAdapter 3.9.0


, :

    public void Test_Foo()
        // filter test
        switch (GlobalDefinitions.Category)
                // OK Test
                case Category.Oracle:
                case Category.SQL:

                // Do NOT test
                case Category.MongoDb:

                // Error
                    Assert.Fail("Not implemented case");

        // perform test...


GlobalDefinitions.Category , .


[Flags] // <-------------------- Important to shorten code 
public enum Category: int
    None = 0,
    Oracle = 1 << 0,
    SQL = 1 << 1,
    MongoDb = 1 << 2,

    // future categories        

    ALL = -1


public static void Filter(Category category)
    if(GlobalDefinitions.Category.HasFlag(category) == false)
       Assert.Inconclusive(); // do not perform test

    // else perform test                         

// :

public void Test_Foo()
    Filter(Category.SQL | Category.MongoDb); // place filter (in this test we are testing for SQL and MongoDb

    // perform your test ...



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