On my site, we create a pop-up window that redirects to Google authorization, and RedirectUri returns to my site after logging in. In the main window, we check the status of the pop-up window to determine if the user has already been registered so that we can close this pop-up window.
Usually, as soon as the user is logged in and the popup has been redirected back to my site, we can open the popup in the main window. However, starting with the latest version of Chrome (version 63.0.3239.132), we get the following error:
DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "..." from accessing a cross-origin frame.
This is similar to this Chrome error , however we do not call window.open from the iframe (it is called from the main site). 63.0.3239.132 should also have introduced a fix for this problem.
I do not always repeat this problem: if the user has already registered with his Google account, the main window can access the pop-up window as soon as the pop-up window is redirected back to my site. In addition, after the initial redirection to Google authorization (on the account selection page), I can go the pop-up window back to my site, after which the main window can again access the pop-up window.
This issue also does not reproduce in earlier versions of Chrome and other browsers.