I want my DotnetCore 2.0 application to connect to Oracle, however I cannot find any official documentation from Oracle support. It is expected that it will be released by the end of 2017 at this link http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/tech-info/odpnet-dotnet-core-sod-3628981.pdf, but it is still not available .
We are trying with other unofficial libraries (dotNetCore.Data.OracleClient) to connect to oracle according to this topic. How to connect to an Oracle database. Connection from .Net Core, but has many limitations, such as
- we cannot call stored procedures with all parameters
- Dotnet parameter types, such as ref, are not available when called
We have a database in Oracle and an application in DotNet 4.6. We are going to rewrite our application in Dotnet Core, which uses the Oracle database.