I read this article about LISP from McCarthy (way above my skill set). Defining the score (LABEL, f, e) here , he used an M-expression (I think this is an M-expression, right if I am wrong) list[x;y]. {In fact, list [cadar [e]; [e]]}.
list [cadar [e]; [e]]
According to how I understood this, it symbolizes (e1, e2), where e1 and e2 are S-expressions. Is this right, or is it something else, and what is the appropriate expression for list[x;y]?
list[a; b] list , , a b .
list[a; b]
S- : (LIST a b), , (list), - . , (a b) S-, (a, b). , LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual. 2. ed. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Pr, 1979. .
(LIST a b)
(a b)
(a, b)
LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual. 2. ed. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Pr, 1979.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691934/More articles:OpenGL: calculate shader - gl_GlobalInvocationID giving static output - c ++What to use instead of bokeh.charts - pythonWhat is the name of the Android resource for form elements in the Cordova application (hybrid)? - androidUpdating a location using FusedLocationProviderClient, JobScheduler and JobService - androidEnum lazy properties - enumsShow one piece of HTML content, but choose another which is more accessible? - htmlInitializing an Enum class in Java - javacom.sun.javafx.collections in Java 9 - javaКогда будет доступна поддержка Oracle Database для Dotnet Core? - oracleDid Aria finish the fortune? - javascriptAll Articles