What to use instead of bokeh.charts

I am trying to run some code written by someone else that contains a string

from bokeh.charts import Bar

When I run this at the Anaconda prompt, I get the message "There is no module named bokeh.charts."

I installed bokeh 0.12.13, so the problem is not that I did not install it. Indeed, other bokeh modules work fine.

On the bokeh website, I noticed that the 'diagrams' module says that it is linking to a previous version (see https://docs.bokeh.org/en/0.12.4/docs/reference/charts.html ).

Is there no bokeh.charts in the latest version? If so, is there an alternative?

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1 answer

bokeh.charts , . bokeh/bkcharts GitHub, , .

, , bokeh.plotting. , , bokeh.charts, bokeh.plotting. ., , .

, API , Bokeh, -, Holoviews.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691930/

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