Excel ARBEITSTAG function does not work in English version of Excel

I have a computer with a German operating system and MS Excel installation. On this computer, I created an Excel workbook that contains various functions of an Excel worksheet.

Then I have a second computer with an English operating system and MS Excel installation. When I open this Excel workbook on a PC with an English operating system, all Worksheet functions are correctly translated into English versions, but the function ARBEITSTAGlooks like #NAME?.

Am I missing something? How can I get Excel to use the English version of this function?

enter image description here


  • The Excel source workbook does not contain VBA code.
  • There is no such name in this book as ARBEITSTAG.
  • So, I had to replace the text ARBEITSTAGmanually WORKDAY.

, , , :

Public Function ARBEITSTAG(startDate As Date, days As Long, _
                        Optional holiday As Long = 0) As Date

    ARBEITSTAG = WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(startDate, days, holiday)

End Function

, , :

Public Function Arbeitstag(start_date As Date, days As Variant)
    Arbeitstag = Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(start_date, days)
End Function

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691911/

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