We use Cassandra for OLTP databases, storing database transactions and evaluating reporting requirements.
We appreciate the use of Cassandra to create a flat schema database.
What are the advantages / disadvantages of using Cassandra as a reporting database?
It is recommended that you use Spark with Cassandra for OLAP.
Here is the related post on stackoverflow:
Is Cassandra for OLAP or OLTP or both?
Here is a presentation for a similar use case: https://www.slideshare.net/EvanChan2/breakthrough-olap-performance-with-cassandra-and-spark
Cassandra . , , . , , , Cassandra.
, , . , Cassandra. , Cassandra Cassandra. Spark Cassandra. , Spark.
Kassandra has no associations and aggregates, although there is UDAF ( https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_using/useCreateUDA.html ), but, in my opinion, they are quite restrictive. Therefore, if you are looking for something that will allow you to be flexible in your requests, c * is not the answer (for example, special requests by analysts), since you always need client-side aggregation and aggregation. For predefined reports, I think this might work. But you must be extremely careful with the asymmetry of the partitions ...
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691887/More articles:C # Class Library Integration in SQL Server - c #work with mysql floats - mysqlДолжен ли я использовать isset() с ctype_ *? - phpHow to use generics on a map with values of different types - javaCan we extract the main object in threads - javaIs Cassandra for OLAP or OLTP or both? - cassandranull returned by ServerRequest in webflux request handler - spring-securityAngular does not call ngOnInit when programmatically routing to a page - angularstring literal for a colored readline with a string variable - cFlexdashboard: передать реактивное значение заголовку диаграммы - rAll Articles