How to use generics on a map with values ​​of different types

I have a common interface Command:

public interface Command<T> {
    public void execute(T value);

And some implementations:

public class ChangeName implements Command<String>{
    public void execute(String value) {...}
public class SetTimeout implements Command<Integer>{
    public void execute(Integer value) {...}

I need to Mapbind command names to a specific object Command:

Map<String, Command> commands = new HashMap<>();
commands.put("changeName", new ChangeName());

Obviously, I get warnings rawtypeswhen declaring Map. If I use a question mark, I get a compilation error:

Map<String, Command<?>> commands = new HashMap<>();
commands.get("changeName").execute("Foo"); // -> compilation error

Executing a method (capture # 2-of?) In a type command is not applicable for arguments (String)

I know that you cannot have a varied heterogeneous container with a non-recoverable type ( Item 29 in Effective Java), but what is the best approach to solve this problem?

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2 answers

, :

public abstract class Command<T> {
    private final Class<T> argumentClass;

    protected Command(Class<T> argumentClass) {
        this.argumentClass = argumentClass;

    public abstract <U extends T> void execute(U argument);

    public final <U> Command<? super U> cast(Class<U> argumentClass) {
        if (this.argumentClass.isAssignableFrom(argumentClass)) {
           return (Command<? super U>) this;
        } else {
           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this command cannot handle argument of type " + argumentClass.getName());


private <U> void executeCommand(final String name, final U arg) {
     Class<U> clazz = (Class<U>) arg.getClass();

- , , getClass Class<?>.


Map<String, Command<?>> commands = new HashMap<>();


, o print string stderr:

final Command<String> printString = new Command<String>(String.class) {
    public <U extends String> void execute(U arg) {


public StdErrPrintCommand extends Command<String> {

     public StdErrPrintCommand() { super(String.class); }

     public <U extends String> void excecute(U arg) { 

, Command AbstractCommand.


, , ?

String, Integer, , , Java Object. ,

Map<String, Command<? extends Object>> commands = new HashMap<>();

Edit: , , . :

a) , . Object .

b) . , .



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