Disable developper to disable any TSLint rule

I am leading the team working on the Angular2 + / Typescript project, and I just want to know if there is a way to prevent any TSLint rules from being disabled.

We use VSCode and the trend of my team to disable the rules for many lines:

enter image description here

After clicking the "Disable rule" typeof-compare 'button for this line, TSLint adds comments above the line that disables the rule for this line.

enter image description here

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1 answer

You cannot force or forbid people to disconnect any rules in their environment. After all, it is their environment, and they must have enough freedom to do something.

, tsLint CI . , .

: , .

tsLint , .

, , TypeScript tsLint , , , .

TypeScript, tsLint . , , . :)

( , TypeScript , IMO TypeScript)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691867/

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