Unable to bind 'log' parameter to enter TraceWriter

Receiving the following message when running a project with the right mouse button → Debug → Start a new instance.

[1/7/2018 6:48:54 AM] ScriptHost error occurred [1/7/2018 6:48:54] AM] Completed HTTP request: {[1/7/2018 6:48:54 AM] Microsoft .Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error Indexing Method 'TestFilesIngestJobs.RunScheduleAsync. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Cannot bind the log parameter to the TraceWriter type. Verify that the parameter type is supported by binding. If you use binding extensions (e.g. ServiceBus, Timers, etc.), make sure you call the registration method for the extensions (s) in your startup code (e.g. config.UseServiceBus (), config.UseTimers (), etc.). [1/7/2018 6:48:54 AM] "requestId": "dbb282d7-44e2-44b4-907e-877beac9da2d", [1/7/2018 6:48:54 AM] Error indexing method 'MasterDataFilesIngestJobs.RunScheduleAsync' [1/7/2018 6:48:54 AM] "method": "GET ",

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3 answers

For this to work on your machines, you will need to do two things. Follow the Visual Studio section in this link.

  • Install Azure-functions-core-tools @ the main package is installed using the NPM.
  • Create a debug profile and configure as shown below and use the profile when starting from the visual studio.

Please find the image below for your help.



I got the same and fixed it by updating Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools.

, V2 15.0.31201.0 ​​ 15.0.40108.0. https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions/blob/master/VS-AzureTools-ReleaseNotes.md

, " ", , Azure Functions Web Jobs Tools, 15.0.40108.0, .


got the same error with the new Function project in Visual Studio 2017. After receiving an invitation from Visual Studio to upgrade Azure Function to version 1.0.7, I got rid of the error


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691842/