I got a little confused about CSS pixels and whether they translated them into pure resolution or the physical width of the devices. My question is: will the content displayed on a 13-inch 1080p laptop be the same as on a 4-inch 13-inch laptop? Or will everything be reduced?
(I use (max-width) / (min-width) media queries, not (max-device-width) / (min-device-width) I would be glad if you guys understood this for me .
Yes, he must do the same.
CSS " px", "... ...", , CSS- , (.. HD 4K) .
"px" CSS 1/96 . , / .
, CSS. 4k 13 " , 1080p 13- .
, , . , . devicePixelRatio - CSS.
devicePixelRatio: https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2012/07/more_about_devi.html
: https://mydevice.io/devices/
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