Unlink between git branches

Say you have a git branch named branch A, and you created a new branch, derived from a branch named branch B.

Is it possible with a series of commands (rebase?) To have branch A be removed from branch B? If so, how will this affect other branches already received from branch A? How to influence the history of fixing branches?

To set the context of a question:

I have an intermediate branch (B) and a branch from which I get task branches from (A). I see that every time I pull a request from A to B, when I compare B from A to GitHub, the changes that I just pull into B appear as differences. To fix this, I need to locally merge A to B (which does not change any files) in order to get a comparison of the two so that they appear as having no differences. I want to change their relationship to fix this.

Feel free to answer this question in a way that simply solves the problem mentioned here.


I have:

   *(Feature Branches)
A (Developing Branch)
   B (Staging Branch)

I want to:

B (Staging Branch)
   A (Developing Branch)
      * (Feature Branches)
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1 answer

, , . , , .

o < develop
o < staging
o < v0.2
o < v0.1

o < develop  < staging
o < v0.2
o < v0.1


git checkout staging
git rebase develop
git push origin staging

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1691761/

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