How to add JAR dependency in java azure functions

Is there a way to add third-party banks to Azure features using JAVA. I would need the json-simple jar and json-databind jars to be available to the function at runtime. Right now, my code throws a runtime exception (ClassNotFound Exception), because the function cannot reference the jar at runtime because it is not available.

I tried using maven-shade-plugin. He creates an executable bank, including external banks, but the deployment still occupies the original bank.

Please offer.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


    <name>Azure Java Functions</name>



        <!-- Adding GSON dependancy -->



        <!-- Test -->


                                        **<include>**/*.jar</include>**<!-- This includes the jar files in the target/lib folder -->




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1 answer

I had the same problem and I figured out how to arrange a solution.

, Maven .

<project_root_path> , .

maven, maven-assembly-plugin <project_root_path>/pom.xml <build><plugins>...</plugins></build>:

      <archive />

Azure Function mvn clean compile package jar <project_root_path>/target/<project_name>.jar, , <dependencies></dependencies> pom.xml.

1: pom.xml, <project_name> <artifactId>_<version>.jar.

2: <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId> , <project_name> <artifactId>_<version>-<descriptorRef>.jar. .

, <project_root_path>/target/<project_name>.jar, <project_root_path>/target/azure-functions/<azure_function_name>/, <azure_function_name> - , , .

Azure Maven:

  • Azure : mvn azure-functions:run
  • Azure : mvn azure-functions:deploy

, maven-assembly-plugin, , Azure Maven /. , , Maven.

, .

Ciao IP


<outputDirectory>${}/azure-functions/${functionAppName}</outputDirectory> <configuration> POM <goal> , Maven JAR Azure. mvn azure-functions:run mvn azure-functions:deploy JAR, . .



Maven Shade Plugin Maven Assembly Plugin, XML :


Maven, .



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