Strange code behavior (damaged draw) when using the native keyboard interrupt `int 09h` handler

I am working on an assignment for univesity, we need to create a simple breakout / arkanoid clone, everything will be fine, but I found an error that will delete everything on the screen, this error is random, but I suspect it is due to my DrawPaddle function. Perhaps you may find a bug or find out why video memory does this.

The game must be executed with a 16-bit ms-dos build, I use NASM + VAL + Dosbox to create it, I will compile it with

nasm -f obj test.asm
val test.obj

The game simply moves the paddle on a fixed screen using the keyboard arrows, you can also exit the game by pressing the escape button.

This time, while everything is in order: , and it looks like when the program overflows: or http: // puu .sh / yeKJH / 1106e1e823.png

I noticed that strange behavior only occurs when the paddle is moved, and this will happen by accident, for example, now that I have deleted almost everything else from the program, it may take several attempts to get an error.

This is the code of DrawPaddle:

    push di
    mov di, [paddleposition]
    mov cx, 5 ;the paddle will be 5 pixels tall
    push cx
    mov cx, paddlesize
    mov byte [es:di], bl
    inc di
    loop .p1
    add di, screenweight - paddlesize
    pop cx
    loop .p0
    pop di

And this is the full code, it uses a keyboard handler to read input and will write directly to video memory using 320x200x256.


stacksize       EQU 0200h

;Direccion de inicio de la memoria de video
videobase       EQU 0a000h

;Definicion de colores
black           EQU 0
green           EQU 00110000b

;Screen data
screenweight    EQU 320

;Paddle data
startx      EQU 140
starty      EQU 170
paddlesize      EQU 40
paddlecolor     EQU 00101010b 

;Paddle movement limits
leftlimit       EQU starty * screenweight + 1 + 10 + 1
rightlimit       EQU ((starty + 1) * screenweight) - paddlesize - 10 - 1

segment mystack stack
    resb stacksize

segment mydata data

escpressed  dw 0
leftpressed     dw 0
rightpressed    dw 0
oldintseg       resw 1
oldintoff       resw 1
originalVideoMode resb 1
paddleposition  resw 1

segment mycode code

        push    ds ;guardamos ds:ax       
        push    ax              

        mov ax, mydata ;los re-inicializamos
        mov ds, ax          


        in      al, 64h
        test    al, 02h
        loopnz  .getstatus ;esperando a que el puerto estΓ© listo

        in      al,60h ;obtenemos el codigo make o break de la tecla leida

        cmp     al, 01h ;revisamos si es escape
        jne     .revEsc 
        mov     word [escpressed], 1
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 81h ;revisamos si el escape fue soltado
        jne     .revIzq
        mov     word [escpressed], 0
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 4bh ;revisamos si es la flecha izquierda
        jne     .revDer
        mov     word [leftpressed], 1
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 4dh ;revisamos si es la flecha derecha
        jne     .revIzq2
        mov     word [rightpressed], 1
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 0cbh ;si se solto la flecha izquierda
        jne     .revDer2
        mov     word [leftpressed], 0
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 0cdh ;o la derecha
        jne     .kbread
        mov     word [rightpressed], 0
        jmp     .kbread
        in      al, 61h     
        or      al, 10000000b
        out     61h, al            
        and     al, 01111111b                     
        out     61h, al                      
        mov     al, 20h
        out     20h, al               


        pop     ax ;recuperamos ds:ax       
        pop     ds

    push di
    push bx
    ;movemos el cursor a la posicion 10,10
    ;que seria en realidad 10*320+10
    mov di, (10 * screenweight) + 10
    ;ahora repetiremos esto 320-20 veces
    mov cx, 300
    mov byte [es:di], green
    inc di
    loop .h1

    mov di, (190 * screenweight) + 10
    ;ahora repetiremos esto 320-20 veces
    mov cx, 301
    mov byte [es:di], green
    inc di
    loop .h2    

    ;ahora volveremos al primer punto
    ;y dibujaremos hacia abajo
    mov di, (10 * screenweight) + 10
    ;y lo repetiremos 200-20 veces
    mov cx, 180
    mov byte [es:di], green
    add di, screenweight
    loop .v1

    mov di, (10 * screenweight) + 310
    mov cx, 180
    mov byte [es:di], green
    add di, screenweight
    loop .v2

    pop bx
    pop di

;Rutina para dibujar el palo
;Recibe en bl el color del mismo
    push di
    mov di, [paddleposition]
    mov cx, 5 ;the paddle will be 5 pixels tall
    push cx
    mov cx, paddlesize
    mov byte [es:di], bl
    inc di
    loop .p1
    add di, screenweight - paddlesize
    pop cx
    loop .p0
    pop di

    mov dx, 4
    sub dx, 3
    mov cx, 6000
    dec cx
    jne .pause2
    dec dx
    jne .pause1

    mov ax, mydata
    mov ds, ax
    mov ax, mystack
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, stacktop

    ;guardando el manejador actual
    mov ah, 35h
    mov al, 9h
    int 21h
    mov [oldintseg], es
    mov [oldintoff], bx

    ;instalando el manejador nuevo
    mov ax, mycode
    mov es, ax
    mov dx, KeybInt
    mov ax, cs
    mov ds, ax
    mov ah, 25h
    mov al, 9h
    int 21h

    ;restaurando el segmento de datos
    mov ax, mydata
    mov ds, ax

    ;guardando el modo de video y aplicando el nuevo
    xor ax, ax
    mov ah, 0fh
    int 10h
    mov [originalVideoMode], al
    mov ah, 00h
    mov al, 13h
    int 10h
    ;coordenada de inicio para el palo
    mov ax, (screenweight * starty) + startx
    mov word [paddleposition], ax
    mov ax, videobase
    mov es, ax

    call DrawStage
    mov bl, paddlecolor
    call DrawPaddle
    jmp .main

    call Delay1

    ;leemos las entradas
    cmp word [escpressed], 1
    je .dosexit
    cmp word [rightpressed], 1
    je .movRight
    cmp word [leftpressed], 1
    je .movLeft
    jmp .main
    mov bl, black
    call DrawPaddle
    cmp word [paddleposition], rightlimit
    je .ending
    inc word [paddleposition]
    jmp .ending
    mov bl, black
    call DrawPaddle
    cmp word [paddleposition], leftlimit
    je .ending
    dec word [paddleposition]
    jmp .ending
    mov bl, paddlecolor
    call DrawPaddle
    jmp .main

    ;restaurando el modo de video original
    mov ah, 00h
    mov byte al, [originalVideoMode]
    int 10h

    ;restaurando el manejador de teclado original
    mov dx, [oldintoff]
    mov ax, [oldintseg]
    mov ds, ax
    mov ah, 25h
    mov al, 9h
    int 21h
    mov al, 0
    mov ah, 4ch
    int 21h

Thanks for reading!

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1 answer

You change cxin keyboard interruption without saving it.

^^^ ANSWER ( ),


- ( ) , .

, 0x6X ( , , ), in/out .

XXXpressed , , ( ). , , ( , ).

ds , ( escpressed dw 0 iret), mov word [cs:escpressed], 1 .. cs: , ds, ( ).

, slow loop , delay dec cx jnz ....

, DOS, ( , , ):

segment mycode code

escpressed      db 0
leftpressed     db 0
rightpressed    db 0

        push    ax      ;guardamos ax

        ; when IRQ1 is fired, int 9 is called to handle it and the input
        ; already waits on port 0x60, no need to validate IBF flag on 0x64

        in      al,60h ;obtenemos el codigo make o break de la tecla leida
        mov     ah,al
        and     al,0x7F ; AL = scan code without pressed/released flag
        shr     ah,7
        xor     ah,1    ; AH = 1/0 pressed/released

        cmp     al, 01h ;revisamos si es escape
        jne     .checkLeft
        mov     [cs:escpressed], ah
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 4bh ;revisamos si es la flecha izquierda
        jne     .checkRight
        mov     [cs:leftpressed], ah
        jmp     .kbread
        cmp     al, 4dh ;revisamos si es la flecha derecha
        jne     .kbread
        mov     [cs:rightpressed], ah

        in      al, 61h
        mov     ah, al          ; store original value
        or      al, 10000000b
        out     61h, al         ; set "enable kbd" bit
        mov     al, ah
        out     61h, al         ; set original value back

        mov     al, 20h
        out     20h, al         ; send end-of-interrupt signal to 8259 IC

        pop     ax ;recuperamos ax
        sti        ; not needed in real x86 real mode, IRET restores flags
        iret       ; but explicit STI paired with CLI may help some VMs

... , , cs:

        cmp     byte [cs:escpressed], 1


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