Get minimum and maximum supplier flows

I know if I use:

double data[][] = new double[n][];
// fill the array

DoubleStream stream =;
int max = stream.max().getAsDouble();

DoubleStream stream =;
int min = stream.min().getAsDouble();

i will get the minimum and maximum value that the stream has, like double.

However, I can’t understand for my whole life how to turn it into a “Supplier”. So

Supplier<Stream> stream = (Supplier<Stream>);
double max = stream.max().getAsDouble();
double min = stream.min().getAsDouble();

Supplier<DoubleStream>ether does not work, but ether does not work.

I managed to get it to work with

Supplier<DoubleStream> stream = () ->;
OptionalDouble max = stream.get().max();
OptionalDouble min = stream.get().min();

but why did the values ​​in the stream become OptionDouble?

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2 answers

Listing DoubleStreamon Supplier<DoubleStream>does not DoubleStreama Supplier<DoubleStream>.

To form a flow provider, a lambda expression is required () -> stream:

Supplier<DoubleStream> supplier = () ->;

The maximum value can then be determined:

double max = supplier.get().max().orElse(Double.MIN_VALUE); 
// where Double.MIN_VALUE can be any other default 'double' value if max is not present

as max()above DoubleStreamreturns OptionalDouble.


Supplier<T> :

public Supplier<T> {

    T get();

, - ( ) Supplier:

Supplier<Integer> supplier = () -> 1;

Integer DoubleStream, , :

Supplier<DoubleStream> supplier =;

: DoubleStream, Supplier<DoubleStream> , .

, , .

DoubleStream.max DoubleStream.min, OptionalDouble ( double), , , . OptionalDouble .



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