Git commands not in the context menu for a document library

I am using the Git version 1.9.5.msysgit.1and Win 7 Enterprise.

When I navigate to a folder C:\Users\[userid]\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projectsusing a regular folder navigation sequence, starting with C:, then right-clicking in the folder window, I get all the usual Git context menu commands, for example. Git bash.

However, when I go to the same folder, starting from the Document Library, either from the Start menu or in the Libraries on the left side of the folder window, there are no Git context menu commands.

Do I need to change some Git options so that these commands appear in the context menu of the document library?

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1 answer

, :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd /c start /d \"%v\" bash"

, :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd /c start /d \"%v\" bash"


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