Using javax validator or spring validator, how to have separate error messages for individual fields of the same type

I currently have a spring boot application and I use javax validator to check POJO. We have an apis application in the application.

My question is : how can I have separate error messages for individual fields of the same type.

Explanation with an example . Regarding the sample code below: If there is no name, there is a separate error message (ERROR1), and if the name is missing, there is a separate error message (ERROR2)

My POJO, with javax validator annotation, looks something like this:

public class A{
 private String name;
 private String age;
 //..getters and setters

public class B{
 private A a1;
 private A a2;

My break controller looks like this:

public class Controller1{
 public void api1(@Valid @RequestBody B b){...}

, javax @valid annotaion . , spring @Validated , .


, Bean .


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d '{"a1":{}, "a2":{}}}' http://localhost:8080/abc


       "error":"Bad Request",
             "codes":["", "", "", "", "NotNull"],
                   "codes":["", "" ],
             "defaultMessage":"may not be null",
             "codes":["NotNull.b.a2.age", "NotNull.a2.age", "NotNull.age", "", "NotNull"],
                   "codes":[ "b.a2.age", "a2.age"],
             "defaultMessage":"may not be null",
             "codes":[ "NotNull.b.a1.age", "NotNull.a1.age", "NotNull.age", "", "NotNull"],
                   "codes":["b.a1.age", "a1.age"],
             "defaultMessage":"may not be null",
             "codes":["", "", "", "", "NotNull"],
                   "codes":["", ""],
             "defaultMessage":"may not be null",
       "message":"Validation failed for object='b'. Error count: 4",

, , , , , , , , :

( REST) ​​ , , .

. Spring. - :

public class Controller1 {

    // This assumes that Spring i18n is properly configured
    private MessageSource messageSource;

    public Map<String, String> processValidationError(MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {
        BindingResult result = ex.getBindingResult();
        List<FieldError> fieldErrors = result.getFieldErrors();

        Map<String, String> errors = new HashMap<>();
        for (FieldError fieldError: fieldErrors) {
            String fieldPath = fieldError.getField();
            String messageCode = fieldError.getCode() + "." + fieldPath;
            String validationMessage = messageSource.getMessage(messageCode, new Object[]{fieldError.getRejectedValue()}, Locale.getDefault());

            // add the validation message, for example "" => "a should not be null"
            errors.put(fieldError.getField(), validationMessage);

        return errors;

    public void api1(@Valid @RequestBody B b){


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