Uncaught TypeError: callback.apply is not a function

I looked through the Internet, but could not find the answer to this question, where did this error come from?

Im working on a really simple code where I just replace some text with another.

This is HTML

<div class="imgLittle" style="background-image:url(http://voyagesarabais.com/1874431.jpg4fre);"</div>
<div class="imgLittle" style="background-image:url(http://voyagesarabais.com/159431.jpg4fre);"</div>

This is jQuery

  newLink =  $(this).css('background-image').replace(/^(.*?\.jpg).*/, "$1");

But when I run it, it exits with this output:

Uncaught TypeError: callback.apply is not a function

You can look there: JsFiddle .

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1 answer

The .eachfirst argument should be a function like this

$('.imgLittle').each(function() {
  // your code



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1614152/

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