Some UTF-8 encoded requests that I send to the server do not return wait results.
i.e % 3A% 22 Just + Like + Heaven% 22 +% 29 ++ AND + tracks% 3A% 5B2 + TO + 100% 5D ++ AND + src% 3A1 & limit = 20 & offset = 0
returns only two results (the results are returned as Xml) in my application and only 2 results if I put them directly in the Firefox browser
However, if I put the uncoded url value in Firefox (Dinosaur ~ 0.7 and younger) And (+ track: "Forget the swan" + track: "Just Like Heaven") And tracks: [2 to 100] And src: 1 & limit = 20 & offset = 0
it returns 44 files
and from my server I see that I get the following request, which, I believe, should be firefox data encoding (Dinosaur ~ 0.7% 20AND% 20Jr.)% 20% 20AND% 20% 20 (+ track: "Forget% 20the% 20Swan"% 20 + track: "Only% 20like% 20Heaven"% 20)% 20% 20and% 20tracks: [2% 20to% 20100]% 20% 20and% 20src: 1 & limit = 20 & offset = 0
as you can see, it encodes it a little differently - spaces are converted to "% 20", but not "+" and "(" and ")" are not converted.
, , , , , .
( ISO-8859-1 UTf-8), , , , UTf8 .
Java UREncoder, i.e
String query = URLEncoder.encode(queryValue.toString(),;