I ran into the zoom mode issue that is available on iphone 6 and 6 Plus.
Display and brightness → View changes in (Standard / Zoom).
I want my application to be compatible with this scaling mode, as some problems arise due to the text used in the application.
Read more about the zoom mode https://support.apple.com/en-sa/HT203073
iPhone 6/6 Plus 4- iPhone, . , , iPhone 6/6 Plus. , iPhone 6 1136 × 640 , - iPhone 5/5s.
iPhone 5/5, iPhone 6/6 Plus .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1614128/More articles:Why am I getting an OpenSSL error when trying to connect to the Apple Push Notification Service? - ruby | fooobar.comHow can I investigate the reason jenkins build abort anonymously - build-automationgcc5.2 abi change → compatibility guaranteed? - c ++How to use Codeception to test laravel 5 API? - phpWarning given for -fx-alignment: LEFT, saying no enum constant javafx.geometry.Pos.LEFT - javaUsing custom queries but maintaining database independence - javaphp replace double backslash group - phpBuild with cocoa touch framework - iosShould I use ConfigureAwait (false) while waiting for IAsyncAction? - c #Zinchart: can't make it work? Original error: zingchart not defined - javascriptAll Articles