RxJava: subscribe unsubscribe () method is not called

In the code below, I need to free some resources when unsubscribing (where it registers "release").

   Observable first = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Object>() {
                    public void call(Subscriber<? super Object> subscriber) {
                        subscriber.add(Subscriptions.create(() -> {
                }).doOnUnsubscribe(() -> log("first"));
   Observable second = Observable.create(…).doOnUnsubscribe(() -> log("second"));
   Observable result = first.mergeWith(second).doOnUnsubscribe(() -> log("result"));
   Subscription subscription = result.subscribe(…);

But it only records the “result”. The forbidden subscription does not seem to apply to merged child observables. So, how to handle unsubscribing inside the first observable Observable.OnSubscribe?

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1 answer

unsubscribe , : , . , , , , onError onCompleted, 1.x.

, , using, :

    () -> "resource", 
    r -> Observable.just(r), 
    r -> System.out.println("Releasing " + r))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1614116/

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