C ++ - Missing line break character in read file

I use C ++ streams to read into a bunch of files in a directory, and then write them to another directory. Since these files can be of different types, I use the common ios :: binary flag when reading / writing these files. Sample code below:

std::fstream inf( "ex.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
char c;
while( inf >> c ) {
    // writing to another file in binary format

The problem is that in the case of files containing text, the line breaks in these text files are not written to the output file.

Edit: Or at least they don't look like when a new file is opened, there is only one continuous line of characters.

Change again: the problem (continuous line) persists even when the read / write is in text mode.

So, I was wondering if there is a way to check if the file is in text or binary format, and then read / write it correctly. Else, is there a way to keep the end of line characters even when opening a file in binary format?

Edit: I am using the g ++ 4.8.2 compiler

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1 answer

If you want to manipulate bytes, you need to use readand methods write, and not >> <<.

You can get the expected behavior with inp.flags(inp.flags() & ~std::ios_base::skipws);.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1614104/

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