I am trying to make a text adventure that will output the correct console log expression based on specific input. I want that if the goblin does enough damage from attacks so that the playerβs defense is less than 0, then the console magazine will print out "The goblin did" x amount of "damage!". Here is my list of variables at the top of the code:
var atk= 1;
var def= 1;
var hp= 10;
var mp= 0;
var block= 1;
var magic= 0;
var gobAtk= [3,4,5];
var gobDef= 1;
var gobHp= 5;
var gobMagDef= 0;
var rand= Math.floor(Math.random()* gobAtk.length);
At the bottom of my code, a specific if / else condition is called until the goblin hp (var gobHp) drops to zero after the player attacks the goblin in the previous section of the code. Here it is:
else {
if(def<0) {
console.log("The Goblin did"+ " "+ Math.abs(rand)+ " "+ "Damage!");
if(hp<=0) {
console.log("The Goblin defeated you! You died");
console.log("Game Over.");
else {
console.log("The Goblin did 0 damage!");
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