I am trying to implement a queue in F # so far this is what I have, but I think it looks more like a stack:
type 'a queue = NL| Que of 'a * 'a queue;;
let enque m = function
|NL -> Que(m, NL)
|Que(x, xs) -> Que(m, Que(x, xs));;
let rec peek = function
|NL -> failwith "queue is empty"
|Que(x, xs) -> x;;
let rec deque = function
|NL -> failwith "queue is empty"
|Que(x, xs) -> xs;;
let rec build = function
| [] -> NL
| x::xs -> enque x (build xs);;
Operations work fine, except for enque, I want to make it add a new element to the back of the queue, not the front.