Yeoman-angular generator: "task wiredep" is not in gulpfile & $ .useref.restore is not a function

I just started using Yeoman to create a new Angular application. I followed the generator-angular installation guide , but decided to use gulp instead of grunt for the task runner.

After installation I got an error: task 'wiredep' is not in you gulpfile.

I tried to run the build with gulpand got an error:TypeError: $.useref.restore is not a function

If I run gulp serve, the resulting page does not bind dependencies.

Is there any bug fix above?

I noticed that Yoman uses grunts and that gulp is experimental, so I assume the above errors are expected. Should I post it as a problem on the GitHub generator page?

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2 answers

There are several issues.

1st issue yeoman refers to gulp wiredep not gulp bower: rename gulp.task('bower', function ()to{ gulp.task('wiredep', function () {

The second problem is that bower libs are not in directory: + '/bower_components', but in directory: 'bower_components',

The third issue is .pipe(gulp.dest( + '/views'));not in the views folder, but.pipe(gulp.dest( ));

In short, replace gulp.task('bower', function ...with:

gulp.task('wiredep', function () {
return gulp.src(paths.views.main)
  directory: 'bower_components',
  ignorePath: '..'
.pipe(gulp.dest( ));

Delete the dist folder, run gulp wiredep, gulpand gulp serveor add the wiredep task to the assembly.

Hope this clarifies this.


. , gulp task: client: build. , . , , , . , Github ( :, , - .

, , gulp .

gulp.task('client:build', ['html', 'styles'], function() {
var jsFilter = $.filter('**/*.js');
var cssFilter = $.filter('**/*.css');

var assets = $.useref.assets({
    searchPath: [, '.tmp']

return gulp.src(paths.views.main)
      cache: true


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