How to automate html content update?

I am trying to create an FB news feed, but to display content from a database. My code already reads the number of rows in the table, but it needs to refresh the page before updating the html content.

Here is my code:

part of my html file:

<section id="reportcontent"></section>
    (function refreshNews()

content ajax.php


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM report";

    $res = odbc_exec($conn,$sql);

    while($feedItem = odbc_fetch_array($res))
        echo "hello! <br>";

As you can see, each row of my table will display welcome text. But in order to view the new number of rows, I need to refresh the page. Thanks for the help!

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1 answer

. setInterval, ''. , ​​


, , PHP- .

. Ajax. , , , , . setTimeout AJAX.load()

function refreshNews()
       $("#reportcontent").load("php/ajax.php", function(){setTimeout(refreshNews, 1000);});

window.onload= function(){
<section id="reportcontent"></section>
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