Undefined symbols for arm64 architecture in Xcode 7.1

Hi, when I try to run the application in Xcode 7.1 on the device, I get the following error. Can you tell me about this. It works great on a simulator.

Undefined characters for arm64 architecture: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ ADAuthenticationContext" referenced: objc-class-ref in LoadViewController.o ld: character not found for arm64 architecture clang: error: linker command did not work with exit code 1 (use - v to call the call)

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1 answer

Maybe a library consisting of a class ADAuthenticationContextis not compiled for architecture arm64, only for armv7/ armv7s.

You can disable support arm64in your project by changing the Supported architectures and Acceptable architectures in the Build Settings , and then the link should work to compile this case.

Please note: the App Store will not accept your application without support arm64.

Try updating your library or recompiling it yourself if possible.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613914/

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