Materialization Platform: responsive navbar logo

I create a website in a materialized structure. I have a problem with the logo in navbar. Therefore, my logo is very large (6202x3800 px), and I do not have another version. I want to place this logo in navbar, but it always exceeds the frame nav-wrapper. I tried to add a class responsive-img, but it didn't work at all.

Here is my code:

#allcontent {
  background-color: white;
  margin: 2%;
body {
  background: #d26335;
nav {
  color: black;
<div class="row" id="allcontent">
  <div class="navbar-default" id="navbar">
    <nav class="white">
      <div class="nav-wrapper">
        <a href="index.html" class="brand-logo left"><img class="responsive-img" id="logo" src="<!-- my image -->"/></a>
        <ul id="nav-mobile" class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
          <li><a href="sass.html"><i class="material-icons">search</i></a>

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1 answer

All you have to do is control the size of the image using CSS for any sizes you want:

.navbar-material .nav-wrapper .brand-logo img {
    height: 64px;

, - . . Photoshop, GIMP Sketch, .

(* , , - TINYpng)

. .

(** , MaterialCSS .navbar-material, , Bootstrap3 MaterialCSS)

body {
  background: #d26335;
nav.navbar-material {
  background: #d26335;
  border: none;
  box-shadow: none;
.navbar-material .nav-wrapper {
  background: white;
  margin: 20px;
.navbar-material .nav-wrapper > ul > li > a {
  color: black;
.navbar-material .nav-wrapper .brand-logo img {
  height: 64px;
.navbar-material .nav-wrapper .button-collapse i {
  color: black;
@media (max-width: 600px) {
  .navbar-material .nav-wrapper .brand-logo img {
    height: 56px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<nav class="navbar-material">
  <div class="nav-wrapper">
    <a href="#!" class="brand-logo">
      <img src="">
    <a href="#" data-activates="mobile-demo" class="button-collapse"><i class="material-icons">menu</i></a>

    <ul class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
      <li><a href="sass.html">Sass</a>

      <li><a href="badges.html">Components</a>

      <li><a href="collapsible.html">Javascript</a>

      <li><a href="mobile.html">Mobile</a>

    <ul class="side-nav" id="mobile-demo">
      <li><a href="sass.html">Sass</a>

      <li><a href="badges.html">Components</a>

      <li><a href="collapsible.html">Javascript</a>

      <li><a href="mobile.html">Mobile</a>

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