Why does the sonaqube gradle plugin create jacoco-general.exec files?

in our gradle module, we use jacoco to measure code coverage, and we create an aggregated jacoco-exec file. In order for the sonarqube plugin to use this file to create reports, we configured it as follows:

sonarqube {
    properties {
        property "sonar.jacoco.reportPath", "$project.rootDir/build/jacoco/jacoco.exec"

When you start the sonarqube plugin using gradle sonarqube, it prints the following messages:

10:56:00.064 INFO  - Analysing C:\A\Projekte\sqs\git\build\sonar\de.kvb.sqs_admin-db\jacoco-overall.exec
10:56:00.116 INFO  - No information about coverage per test.
10:56:00.116 INFO  - Sensor JaCoCoOverallSensor done: 116 ms
10:56:00.718 INFO  - Sensor JaCoCoSensor...
10:56:00.720 INFO  - Analysing C:\A\Projekte\sqs\git\build\jacoco\jacoco.exec
10:56:00.738 INFO  - No information about coverage per test.
10:56:06.442 INFO  - Analysing C:\A\Projekte\sqs\git\build\sonar\de.kvb.sqs_admin-gui\jacoco-overall.exec
10:56:06.453 INFO  - No information about coverage per test.
10:56:06.453 INFO  - Sensor JaCoCoOverallSensor done: 31 ms
10:56:06.833 INFO  - Sensor JaCoCoSensor...
10:56:06.837 INFO  - Analysing C:\A\Projekte\sqs\git\build\jacoco\jacoco.exec
10:56:06.863 INFO  - No information about coverage per test.

Two questions:

1) Why does the sonarqube plugin create all these jacoco-general.exec files?

2) Why does the sonarqube plugin use not only my jacoco.exec file to generate coverage reports, but also all these jacoco-general.exec files?

THX, Martin.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613819/

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