How to Set Permissions for Django / Mezzanine Site Administrators

I'm not sure what permissions I should assign to the group so that users of this group can enter the administrative area of ​​the specific Mezzanine site to which they are assigned. The user has the status of personnel .

I want the group to have limited access to such parameters as:

sites (all)
redirects (all)
core (all)
auth | can add user
auth | can delete user
auth | permission (all)
auth | group (all)

I am sure that these are permissions for suppost (but when I add them, I cannot log in):

admin | log entry (all)

The error message I get is:

You don't have permission to access the admin for this site.

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1 answer

" " . , -, , , core_sitepermission core_sitepermission_sites, .

, Mezzanine SitePermissionMiddleware.process_view , . , , , .



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