I need to model the following scenario: entities have values that can change over time, and I need to keep all historical values. For example, I have an Article object that has a title. If the article was created on January 1, 2015, it will be called “Title 1”, then on February 1, 2015, someone changes the title to “Title 2” and on March 1, the name changes to “Title 3”. And I want to ask: "What was the title of the article on February 20, 2015?"
To do this, I created an Article object with a list of names:
public class Article {
private Long id;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<ArticleTitle> title = new LinkedList<>();
where the headers look like this:
public class Title extends DateDependentEntity<Title> {
private String title;
and DateDependentEntity looks like this (I have a lot of them)
public abstract class DateDependentEntity<PARENT> {
private Long id;
@Column(nullable = false)
private LocalDate validFrom;
private PARENT parent;
, (, " , id = 1 , 20. 2. 2015" ).
, HQL, , " , , " "" 20. 2. 2015 ".
-, - :
SELECT DISTINCT a FROM Article a JOIN a.title at WITH (at.validFrom <= :date) WHERE at.title LIKE :title
. " " " " , , , . , - WITH, ?
- HQL , ?