WKSelectionGranularityCharacter WKWebView option damaged in iOS 9

I have an iPad app that uses WKSelectionGranularityCharacteran option WKWebView. It worked fine on an iOS 8 device and runs on simulator 8.4, but is broken at 9.1. A long press on the text shows a magnifying glass, but after release, the text does not stand out and any selection descriptors do not appear.

Does anyone else see this changed / broken behavior? Is there a workaround?

Update 10/31/2015 : also unable to run Xcode 7.2 and iOS 9.2 beta. Reported by Apple as an error.

Update 11/26/2015 : still broken in the latest Xcode. No answer or even rating on Apple bugreport.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613769/

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